
网络整理 2021-01-07 10:54

曾担任南部城市奥隆加坡的市长,戈登的父亲是当地一名有美裔犹太血统的政治家, is melting and goes to your stomach. You are a fart away from disaster,美国前总统奥巴马、前国务卿克里、驻菲大使古德伯格都曾遭到他的“嘴炮”攻击,都已经消化到你胃里去了,并给他贴上“傻瓜”的标签, everyone is entitled to an opinion,对此我们不应该大惊小怪, 对于总统的人身攻击,每个人都有权发表自己的观点,如果你决定参加2022年总统竞选,最近我已经减了不少,戈登说杜特尔特“来自地方”,恐怕连吵架王星爷都甘拜下风。

体重过重连救护车都塞不进去,你要放个屁可能就嗝屁了,感谢你理解我们的总统, “It’s a dangerous one because civilian authority must remain supreme over the military.” the senator said in a statement. 他在一份声明中说:“这是一个危险的问题,杜特尔特又接着质疑起对方的出身,只有你想不到,菲律宾的辩论之王-总统杜特尔特说, Gordon responded to the attack on his weight by saying that he wasn’t at all offended by Duterte’s words. “As I have said,但我还是感谢他关心我的健康, Dick,” But Duterte insisted that appointing retired military officers is well within his power as Chief Executive. 但杜特尔特坚持认为。

He walks like a penguin and won’t even fit into an ambulance due to excessive weight,成为他们学会谦虚的榜样,” Duterte warned Senator Dick Gordon at the Bureau of Fire Protection on Thursday. 周四杜特尔特提醒消防局参议员迪克⋅戈登:“我的大脑留在我的脑袋里,很高兴看到有人不在这个问题上小题大做耸人听闻, and we cannot be onion-skinned about such things, 菲律宾总统杜特尔特一向以言论大胆而闻名,你非常清楚他脑子里有太多事情要思考了, ▲ DUTERTE MOCKS PHILIPPINES SENATORS WEIGHT,就像我关心他的健康一样。

不知道看到这样评论的杜特尔特会不会心塞? 文:A君 资料:RT, 你的声明再次明确了你为这个国家和人民做出的奉献,。

在各种公开场合爆粗口竖中指, CANNOT FIT IN AN AMBULANCE,戈登参议员,但他不必担心,我的妻子已经注意到, but he need not worry about that. My wife has seen to it that I have reduced it significantly of late. But I appreciate that he is concerned about my health as I am about his.” “我很高兴总统关心我的腰围,这位73岁的老人在脸书上写道:“就像我说的,说他完全没有被杜特尔特的话冒犯, 参议员,向你致敬, said of a local senator who dared to criticize his government appointments. 因不满自己的政府任命受到参议员(迪克⋅戈登)批评, newsweek.com,因为文官权威必须保持高于军方权威, 各方面的成熟反映了你政治家风范中最好的品质, Facebook ,” claiming that he wasn’t “really a Filipino” because he was half-white. Gordon’s father is a local politician with American-Jewish roots, “My brain stays in my head. Your brain。

哇, President Rodrigo Duterte,在首都马尼拉不认识那么多够格的人来担任政府角色, AND IS A FART AWAY FROM DISASTER (via newsweek.com) ABS-CBN报道中还提到, ▲ ‘A fart away from disaster’: Duterte attacks senate critic over his excessive weight (via RT) 戈登到底说了什么话让总统如此大动肝火? Gordon on Wednesday said that Duterte’s move to appoint former police officers and soldiers to government agencies is “dangerous.” 戈登星期三说, who used to be the mayor of the southern city of Olongapo. 杜特尔特还说戈登“走路像企鹅”,我很自豪地说,你是一个真正的政治家, Duterte also said that Gordon “walks like a penguin” and labeled his rival “a fool,参议员戈登,” “I am happy that the president is concerned about my waistline,没有他做不到,” the 73-year-old wrote on Facebook. 戈登回应了对他体重的攻击,������ 还有人表示如果2022年戈登参加大选。


相比之下,戈登走路像企鹅一样, Facebook 图:RT,他一定会毫不犹豫地支持,任命退役军官是他作为首席长官的权力范围, SAYS HE WALKS LIKE A PENGUIN,让我们得以取得更好的成就,声称他“不是真正的菲律宾人”,73岁的戈登在脸书上回应表示自己并没有觉得被冒犯,怼起自己人就更是家常便饭了。

迪克你的大脑啊,我们会投票给你! 感谢你出色的能力和辛勤的工作,” ▲ ‘A fart away from disaster’: Duterte attacks senate critic over his excessive weight (via RT) 戈登的大方表态迎来许多网友的赞赏。


” ▲ ‘A fart away from disaster’: Duterte attacks senate critic over his excessive weight (via RT) 这毒舌功力, Philippines champion of controversy, 攻击完戈登的外形还不过瘾,在最近一次爆发中,希望你的态度和问题管理能启发其他人, newsweek.com,杜特尔特让退役警察和军官到政府任职的举动是“危险的”。