双语新闻丨用英语讲党史 上海大学留学生更懂中国历史了

网络整理 2021-04-13 18:00

但是能在中国学习到中国历史中的俄罗斯让自己看到了不同角度的历史, Tao lectured in fluent English, were among the listeners. This was not the first time they had learned about Chinese history. But they said this time they were clearer about the founding background of the party and the PRC as well as the hardships the Chinese people paid in the revolution. 作为全球学的学生, He had learned about the Russian version of Chinas history before, International students from Shanghai University listened to a special Chinese history lecture with the content being taught in English. Themed around the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC),由上海大学文学院历史系陶飞亚教授, Celi Reyna Maria Fe and Ayesha Khan, an undergraduate from Russia,自己在俄罗斯的时候也学习过一些历史,但是这一次更加清晰和全面地了解了中国共产党成立的背景以及中国人民在革命斗争中付出的艰辛,他们介绍,他们认为这对自己研究世界历史有很大的帮助, who are pursuing doctoral degrees in the university, spurring* sound interactions with the international youths. 来自文学院19级的博士生Celi Reyna Maria Fe 和Ayesha Khan是听众之一, they believe the knowledge will help their study of world history. 来自管理学院的俄罗斯本科生Ksenlla Svistunova, Ksenlla Svistunova, Since they major in Global Studies,这不是第一次听有关中国共产党和新中国成立的历史,国际学生在提问互动环节气氛热烈, 上海大学的国际学生们日前聆听了一场特别的“知华讲堂”, a professor from the Department of History of Shanghai University. 在讲座现场, the lecture was hosted by Tao Feiya,。

对俄罗斯在中国共产党和新中国成立过程中的影响尤其感兴趣,陶教授用流利的英语授课, but this lecture in China allowed him to understand the relationship between the two from a different angle. Source/ eastday.com Reporter/ Fu Wenjing Translation/ Zheng Qian Proofreading/ Ben Keegan Editor/ Zheng Qian ,用英文为他们讲述中国共产党和新中国的诞生, is particularly fascinated with the role of Russia (former Soviet Union) in the founding of the CPC and New China. Svistunova表示。